BEE Registration

Bee Registration- BEE certification is provided by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency of India to the manufacturers of electronic and electrical appliances. It does so in the form of rating the energy efficiency of appliances and then giving them the BEE energy rating in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency certification .

India, being the fastest growing economies in the world, has many consumers of electrical appliances. Due to it, in the beginning of the year 2000, there was a rapid rise in the number of available brands. It created confusion in the Indian customer and he asked, To help them make that choice and to watch over the energy consumption intensity on Indian economy, Bureau of Energy Efficiency registration was born. They did it by providing consumers access to star rated appliances.

As per the provisions, the BEE certification in India has been made mandatory for 10 appliances and has been made voluntary for the rest of the sixteen. However, voluntary certification is also recommended because it helps the brand gain customer’s trust.

So, get the BEE energy star rating for AC, refrigerators, ceiling fans and other electrical appliances by going through the simple to implement procedure for bureau of energy efficiency star rating.

Registration Process-
* Submit the sample(s) and technical documents to NABL accredited lab for Testing and get the test report
* Compile the necessary documents and register Brand on BEE portal along with online remittance of the Security deposit fee
* Submit the hard copy of application with all enclosures to BEE duly signed by Authorized Signatory
* If BEE seeks clarification and additional information, furnish the same.
* On approval of Brand / Company Registration, BEE will activate the link for model registration
* Fill-up the online Application Form.
* Compile the necessary information and documents and upload the same to BEE portal
* Make the online payment of model registration fee to BEE.
* When BEE is satisfied, it approves the application and grants the permission to affix the label.

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